DAN consulting with a doctor on paperworkThe goal of your oncology drug access navigator is to help you access the drugs you need for cancer care in a timely manner so that your treatment plan is supported. They make every attempt to reduce potential delays and maximize funding opportunities for you, so you can focus on your care. This includes:

  • preparing Prior Authorization forms for the prescribing physician and following up to ensure forms are submitted;
  • facilitating your enrollment in a Patient Support Program;
  • coordinating services with the Patient Support Program representative;
  • helping you with public drug plan enrollments;
  • requesting temporary or sample supplies when available and appropriate;
  • advocating on your behalf with your drug plan or patient support program;
  • tracking and coordinating paperwork when it needs to be renewed;
  • answering questions from your pharmacy about billing, coverage, etc.

Your oncology drug access navigator will stay involved until your drug coverage is finalized. Your case file will then be held until you need any paperwork for coverage renewed.