We are excited to launch the new website for the Atlantic Canada Oncology Drug Access Navigators of Atlantic Canada (ACODANA).
Here you will find information on oncology drug coverage in Atlantic Canada and how drug access navigators support the cancer care process.
ACODANA is a network of oncology drug access navigators in Atlantic Canada. Through educational opportunities, information sharing and support we aim to improve the quality and availability of oncology drug access navigation services throughout the region. There are oncology drug access navigators in cancer care centres across Atlantic Canada.
It can be difficult to understand why some drugs are covered, and why some are not. Learn more about how drug coverage in Canada works by visiting our “Resources" section
ACODANA members are oncology health care professionals who work in positions dedicated to drug coverage navigation. Membership provides access to reimbursement-specific resources, best practice information and educational events.
Find out how to be referred to an Oncology Drug Access Navigator at your cancer centre, what to expect from you first appointment and how drug coverage is coordinated.
Learn more about how drug coverage works and get access to frequently used forms and applications.
Do you work for a drug benefit plan, provincial drug program or a patient support program? Explore our website to learn more about the role of oncology drug access navigators in Atlantic Canada, register your information with us, or submit information to us on updates and new programs.

ACODANA is a network for oncology drug access navigators in Atlantic Canada. Through educational opportunities, information sharing and support we aim to improve the quality and availability of oncology drug access navigation services throughout the region.

What is an Oncology Drug Access Navigator (DAN)?
An oncology drug access navigator is a hospital employee who works on a referral from the oncology team to investigate and coordinate funding for a patient’s prescribed drug therapy. This funding may be through the patient’s drug plan or other resources. The role of the oncology drug access navigator is to examine all possible options for funding and support the oncology team in treatment planning.